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In 1995 the World Muay Thai Federation W.M.F. was founded by the joining of the two organizations which had previously administered International Amateur Muay Thai. The new organization was presided over by General Chaisit Shinawatra and had its Head Office at Bangkok’s National Stadium sports complex.

To do this they have defined a set of standards which give practitioners the chance to learn Muay Thai skills in a logical, safe way while also developing an understanding of how Muay Thai reflects wider Thai culture. Muay Thai has long and interesting history of its evolution and WMF is the main institute of it.

- The WMF has a subsidiary called the Muay Thai Conservation Centre of Thailand which seeks to gather information on the history and development of the arts. The centre identifies and brings together teachers of the original forms of Muay Thai-known as Mae Mai Muay Thai and Luk Mai Muay Thai, (together as Muay Boran=Ancient Boxing), providing them with the opportunity to teach and pass on their knowledge.

- The Centre has its own museum in the National Stadium complex and is considered a first port of call for anybody wishing to research the Thai martial arts.

- The WMF has developed a syllabus which covers all the skills of Muay Thai and importantly showing how these skills have evolved from Muay Boran with it’s long history.

- The WMF hosts training at its own full time, fully equipped gym at the National Stadium in Bangkok. Training can be organized on a one to one, small, or large group basis; students can join on-going regular training sessions or can book specific courses depending on their time and area of interest. Courses are delivered on demand and can focus on Muay Thai or Muay Boran or indeed a blend of the two, all practitioners will be shown how the two styles are linked and have evolved. The WMF gym can also prepare and present boxers for competition, it works with local promoters so will look to match those who would like to fight.

- The WMF regularly sends out approved coaches to teach all over the world. The WMF has another subsidiary, the Kru Muay Thai Association which tests and certifies coaches ensuring a standard of coaching is maintained.

- For advanced students the WMF also organizes Coaching courses where practitioners learn how to teach the arts. Coaches can learn and follow the syllabus, they can be tested and certified, so that they are then able to teach and grade their own students.

- To ensure contests are judged fairly and refereed safely the WMF organizes judging and refereeing courses giving individuals skills essential to the development of competitive Muay Thai.

- The WMF works with many different Governmental and non Governmental agencies in several countries to take the skills of Muay Thai into schools and communities giving children the opportunity to learn exciting skills which are good for their health and fitness as well as their discipline.

- The WMF as the muay thai institute has developed a reputation for organizing World class events such as its International and World Championships. They can use their successful template to organize events anywhere in the world.

Muay Thai has evolved over many centuries from the time when it was used by ancient Thai armies defending their homes, families and land from invaders. Past Kings practiced and used personal bodyguards who were expert fighters. The present King of Thailand, His Majesty King Bhumipol Adulyadej has long been a fan and has told advisors to ensure that the sport and art of Muay Thai remains pure. For these reasons Muay Thai has a very special place in the psyche of Thai people. Over the years Muay Thai has developed to reflect many fundamental aspects of the Thai character-respect for self, for opponents and for teachers, a spirit of fairplay, modesty and the ability to remain cool and calm and use learned technique when under pressure. Muay Thai fighters are brave, fight with heart and refuse to give up – more qualities the wider population are proud to identify with.

The World MuayThai Federation presents the Thai martial arts in this cultural context. People do not just learn how to kick a bag but they learn the meaning and get an important understanding of a very special sport and a proud people.

Because of its place in Thai culture the World MuayThai Federation requires its members to be mindful of their actions and that those actions should not reflect badly on the sport of MuayThai. The W.M.F. has developed a code of conduct which all members should adhere to.

Promotion of Standards


Muay Thai art – the name of this traditional martial art comes from Thai Language: “มวยไทย“(m-wa-i tha-i) and pronounces as [mūɛj tʰāj].

Muaythai is a combat sport based on the muay traditional martial arts of Thailand that takes place on the ring when 2 fighters stand-up striking along and use various clinching techniques.

This kind of sport has 2 components: mental and physical. Muay Thai boxing art became popular from 1500ths years but mostly in Thailand and neighboring countries, but in the 20th century it gave a lot of popularity and from 1980th before today were opened many Muaythai gyms in US, Canada, Europe, South Americe and other countries.

If we consider what is Muay Thai art today, need to reference World Professional Muay Thai Federation which still holds the original mandate from the Thai Goverment and Sport Ministry and also the recognition by the National Olympic Committee. A professional league is managing by the World Muay Thai Federation PRO.


Muay Thai rules.

Muay Thai sport rules are fully based on it’s martial art which originally calls “Muay” (not to be confused with “Muay Thai”).

From 1929 it is necessary to use on the ring the boxing gloves. And according to new rules of Muay Thai were permitted grabs and throws, header and some more innovations which allowed to join this sport to some kind official. In 1977 in Europe was famous fight between MuayThai boxers and fighters of Kick Boxing, and despite the fact that used rules were different than Muay Thai, Thai team won and made it popular in Western Countries.


Muay Thai grading.

International amateur Muay Thai Federation use color classification for pratiats accordingly and mongkonas accordingly to the fighter’s level. But in some Western countries this practise is not main because of existing of official sports titles.

What is Muay Thai มวยไทย 

art today?



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